What is the Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS)?
The Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS) is a Commonwealth-funded initiative provided through Medicare designed to support families in accessing dental care for their children aged 0 to 17 years.
At SA Dental you can use CDBS, and we bulk bill Medicare, no additional fees are charged once the CDBS maximum benefit is reached.
Who can get it?
You don’t need to apply or register for CDBS. If your child is eligible Services Australia will send you a letter.
Our staff will also check with you before your appointment.
A child can access the scheme when all the following apply:
- they're eligible for Medicare
- they're between 0 and 17 years old for at least one day that calendar year
- and get an eligible payment (e.g. Family Tax Benefit A) at least once that calendar year from Services Australia.
What's covered?
With CDBS your child can receive up to $1,132 worth of basic dental services over two calendar years.
Basic dental services covered by CDBS include:
- check-ups
- x-rays
- cleaning
- fissure sealing
- fillings
- root canals
- extractions.
How do I access it?
When making a dental appointment for your child, ask about CDBS.
Your dental professional can check if your child can use CDBS and the amount you may have left to use.
You can use the scheme at:
- SA Dental clinics, and
- Participating private dental clinics.