Services for children
Our dental clinics provide a range of dental services for children.
Dental services may include:
- a check-up
- cleaning
- preventive treatment to keep teeth and gums healthy
- x-rays if needed
- fissure sealants to prevent decay
- fillings
- tooth removal
- root canal treatment.
Specialist services for children
We provide some specialist services by referral at our Adelaide Dental Hospital (ADH).
Specialist services may include:
- tooth removal (extraction)
- surgical procedures of the mouth and jaws (oral and maxillofacial surgery)
- banding (orthodontics)
- diseases of the gums (periodontics)
- special needs dentistry for medically, physically and intellectually disabled patients.
Children with special needs (e.g. autism)
Our staff are skilled to provide dental care to children with special needs.
Please speak to our staff about treatment options or any concerns.
Guardianship of the Chief Executive (GOCE)
Children and young people under guardianship.
- receive priority dental care at our clinics – please notify staff if your child is under guardianship when making an appointment.
- receive free dental care at our clinics.
- receive free orthodontic care if needed.
Our staff may contact you, however, if your child is currently receiving dental care privately, please advise our staff.